Warning Banner for Deer Fences
Did you know that deer have horrible vision? They rely primarily on their sense of smell and hearing throughout the day. Because of their terrible vision, Capital Fence and our partners at Deerbusters recommend adding white warning banners to all Deer Fencing. Deer Fencing blends into the background of your yard making it nearly invisible […]
Preparing Your Fence for Extreme Storms
With extreme weather threatening the East Coast of the United States, we encourage homeowners to take a few precautions in order to try and protect their yards and fences. What is in your yard? Loose items, lawn ornaments, wind chimes, potted plants, toys, and deck furniture can be thrown around very easily. Trampolines can catch […]
Locust Posts- they’re kinda a big deal around here
Our team has told me for months to write about our exclusive use of Locust Posts for our Split Rail fences. They are so proud of the fact that we provide our customers with this high quality durable product, that they sometimes forget that the words “locust posts” don’t compute to some of us simple […]